Call for Submissions
Writer’s Digest Annual Conference
Baltimore |July 24 - 27, 2025
Writer’s Digest is now accepting submissions for speakers and sessions for the upcoming Annual Conference held at The Maritime Conference Center.
Representation is important to us and we are looking for diversity in our speakers, including representation across racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, as well as in sexual orientation, gender identification, age, and presenters with disabilities. All are encouraged to submit proposals!
While we cannot provide payment for teaching sessions, we do cover travel costs and hotel stay during the conference. In order to keep costs down, preference is given to instructors whose travel is minimal or from the eastern half of the United States.
What we’re looking for:
- Friendly instructors who not only possess knowledge about a subject area, but who are passionate, confident, and engaging teachers
- Sessions that run the gamut from teaching the fundamentals to delving deep into advanced subject areas (attendees are at various stages in their careers, so a wide spectrum of sessions is needed)
- Unique approaches to subject matter
- New presenters! We’ll be looking for returning favorites, but if you’ve never presented for us before, we want to hear from you!
- Quality craft instruction is always paramount to us, but we are also looking for sessions covering the business of being a writer, as well as instructional sessions about tools and services writers use (think Scrivener, WordPress, Amazon, self-publishing, and platform and promotional tools)
What we’re not looking for:
- Panel submissions (at this time)
- Sales-driven sessions for products or services you provide. Please contact April Krueger ( for more information.
To submit:
- Please fill out the form by clicking the red button below. If your session is chosen, or we have more questions for you, we will be in touch within the next several weeks.
Submit Your Proposal