• JULY 24-27, 2025


Mastering the Art and Business of Storytelling 

Unlock the Secrets of Storytelling: Craft, Diagnose, and Pitch Your Novel with Confidence! 

When an agent asks, “What’s your book about?” will your brief description capture their interest? Will they ask for more? Will they see you as a skilled professional or an eager newbie who isn’t quite sure what they are doing? 

A compelling conversation about your book is less about plot and more about story and sometimes, story can get buried in a book’s lengthy details. Even the most skilled authors find distilling their book down to a compelling pitch difficult to do, not because they don’t know what their book is about, but because they do. In fact, they know it so well they don’t want to leave anything out. This results in more of a summary than juicy marketing copy designed to hook and interest an agent or a publisher. 

Join us for an immersive and comprehensive master class designed to equip you with the essential tools for both crafting and selling your novel. This class merges the core elements of two powerful courses: “The Heart of Storytelling” and “Pitching and Selling Your Novel,” creating a unique experience that blends the art of storytelling with the business of publishing. Students will be given real life examples, the opportunity to write and workshop, and the time to digest the concepts related to their own work.  

In this class, you will learn: 

Part 1: The Heart of Storytelling 

Discover the fundamental principles of storytelling and learn how to craft captivating plots for your novels. This segment will guide you through: 

By the end of this section, you will have the confidence and clarity to ensure your story is not only well-crafted but also resonates deeply with your readers. 

Part 2: Pitching and Selling Your Novel 

Transition seamlessly from the creative process to the business side of publishing. In this segment, you will: 

By the end of this session, you’ll be equipped with the skills to write a captivating logline, pitch your book effectively, and position yourself as a professional in the publishing world. 

Why Attend This Master Class? 

This master class is perfect for writers at any stage of their journey, whether you’re looking to diagnose and refine a current work-in-progress or laying the groundwork for a new project. You’ll gain invaluable insights into both the craft and business of writing, ensuring your novel stands out in a competitive market. 

Join us and transform your storytelling and pitching skills, making your novel irresistible to readers and industry professionals alike. 

Who should take this class? 

 This class isn’t suited for: 

Ann Garvin, Ph.D., is the USA Today bestselling author of six funny and sad novels. She teaches creative writing at Drexel University, is a finalist for the Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize and her writing has appeared in the New York Times Modern Love. Ann is the founder of the multiple award-winning Tall Poppy Writers, a group of traditionally published authors committed to helping readers find wonderful books.



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